Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Ltd. Приложения

QQ HD(平板专用,Pad也能视频通话、语音对讲!) 3.0.1
QQ HD是腾讯公司专为AndroidPad设计开发的一款即时通信软件,让您在平板电脑上获得功能丰富的畅聊体验。QQHD适合分辨率大于1024*600的机型使用,例如华硕eeepad、三星7500/7510、三星7300/7310、MOTOXOOM。大屏高清的体验带给您简洁清新的聊天环境。视频会话互通让您和QQ好友之间即刻相见,语音对讲让你从此解放繁琐输入的双手,QQ空间、QQ音乐、QQ浏览器、QQ阅读、QQ邮箱、腾讯微博、腾讯新闻的整合让您充分享受一站式互联网服务,图片涂鸦、换肤、自定义表情让您的聊天充满乐趣。QQ音乐、QQ阅读等应用的整合让你的平板更加多彩,让您的指尖在平板上滑出从未遇见的QQ!QQ HD 3.01、支持与PCQQ同时在线,支持QQ HD在线状态2、高清动态趣味表情3、支持群消息记录漫游4、空间支持照片上传5、支持更换QQ头像6、全新的夜间模式,支持亮度调节7、支持多终端在线状态管理8、天气资讯城市选择增加自动定位9、支持图片转发10、程序流畅性以及稳定性优化QQ HD 2.11. 全新登录界面2. 程序主界面视觉风格优化调整3. 程序竖屏界面结构优化调整4. 程序设置项优化调整5. 程序在七寸设备上的字体大小优化6. 修复天气预报窗口无法关闭问题7. 修复点击天气插件引起的程序崩溃问题8. 修复QQ邮箱无法打开问题9. 修复图片保存后无法实时通过系统图库查看的问题10. 提供全新的五张壁纸QQ HD 2.01 支持空间加密相册查看2 支持好友空间留言3 完善天气资讯4 对程序界面进行优化QQ HD 1.9.8 plus 此版本修复了1.9.8版本在部分机型上过暗、过亮和无法调整亮度的问题QQ HD 1.9.8性能优化版,新增8项功能,多达30项更新1. 新增插件自定义模块,还您一个简洁界面;2. 新增离开状态时自动回复;3. 新增自定义回复内容;4. 新增夜间模式;5. 新增群消息接收/屏蔽集中管理模块;6. 新增登录界面设置是否接收群消息;7. 新增程序缓存图片删除;8. 新增分享桌面功能;9. 优化图片查看界面按钮排版;10. 优化多图连续查看过程中进度指示;11. 优化好友列表协议,拉取速度更快;12. 优化Wifi下聊天窗口内图片接收机制,更快体验更流畅;13. 优化3G下图片接收策略,节省更多流量;14. 优化程序升级模块;15. 优化程序设置功能项排版,更简洁更实用;16. 优化群资料卡消息接收/屏蔽设置;17. 优化从群成员列表中添加好友的流程;18. 优化群成员昵称显示策略,直接显示群名片;19. 优化聊天窗口界面视觉效果;20. 优化群列表显示,已屏蔽的群位于列表底部,未屏蔽的群位于列表上部;21. 优化聊天窗口内涂鸦发送机制,大大降低误操作概率;22. 优化聊天窗口消息显示机制;23. 优化Qzone详情页评论、转发和分享按钮;24. 优化好友列表视觉效果;25. 优化内置浏览器兼容性;26. 优化QQmail兼容性;27. 优化程序刷新机制,更加省电;28. 优化网络环境变换时登录策略,Wifi/3G下自动切换;29. 优化图片工具栏交互动画;30. 优化最近联系人列表显示,按时间分类;31. 优化涂鸦机制,降低涂鸦造成程序崩溃的概率;32. 优化意见反馈功能;33. 优化好友分组人数显示;34. 优化程序在android 4.1.1系统下的适配性;35. 优化由离线状态到离开状态的上线过程;36. 优化程序登录后界面;37. 解决程序后台运行时任务栏消息提示数不准确的问题;38. 解决在部分三星Note/i9220/N7000机型上程序崩溃的问题;1.9更新特性1、自定义皮肤,DIY个性QQ HD2、临时会话,陌生人之间轻松畅谈3、找群加群,找到属于你的组织4、细节持续优化1.8修复版非常抱歉1.8版本在部分平板设备上后台使用时会引起程序崩溃,目前这一问题已经被修复,大家可更新1.8修复版。对此给您带来的不便,希望您能谅解,QQHD依然需要您的支持。如果对于版本有什么建议或问题,欢迎反馈。可通过以下途径:1、关注QQ HD腾讯微博http://t.qq.com/QQ_HD,直接@QQ_HD进行问题反馈2、程序内意见反馈渠道,设置-〉关于QQ HD -〉意见反馈1.8版本更新特性1、程序内聊天窗口、Qzone、新闻等场景图片可连续查看2、聊天记录导出,留住精彩回忆3、内置应用宝,精品平板应用触手可得4、增加去市场评价功能,喜欢QQ HD就推荐给好友吧1.7版本更新特性1、空间好友主页全新升级,好友动态尽在掌握2、新增自定义表情模块,让聊天更加生动3、图片查看功能继续强化,可分享图片至空间或微博4、Android 4.0系统适配,5、程序性能优化QQ HD 1.6贺岁版更新时间:2012-01-09主要功能:1、QQ好友资料卡全新呈现2、支持图片多点触控任意查看3、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.6更新时间:2011-12-23主要功能:1、增加QQ阅读模块2、视频通话体验优化(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)3、文件传输体验优化(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)4、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.5更新时间:2011-11-24主要功能:1、整合腾讯视频(QQlive)2、加入语音对讲功能3、视频会话时可多方聊QQ4、实现最近联系人漫游5、支持隐身登录6、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.4更新时间:2011-11-01主要功能:1、支持横竖屏切换2、新增涂鸦功能3、gif动态图片支持4、增加新闻频道分类5、其他功能细节优化6、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.3更新时间:2011-09-15主要功能:1、全新操作体验2、QQ空间信息浏览3、更多资讯获取4、QQ音乐随心而听5、贴心天气关怀6、多种皮肤更换7、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.2更新时间:2011-08-1主要功能:1. 视频、语音会话(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)2. 文件传输(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)3. QQ好友、QQ群图片接收与发送4. 拍照分享5. 随便听听QQ音乐6. 未读QQ消息盒子7. 根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.1.2更新时间:2011-05-1主要功能:1. 清新界面和全新交互2. 接收和发送图片3. 快速定位QQ好友、发起聊天4. 未读QQ消息便捷处理5. 视频会话(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)6. 根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.0 Beta1更新时间:2011-1-18主要功能:1. 支持QQ好友聊天和QQ群聊天2. 查找QQ好友、添加QQ好友、删除QQ好友3. 查看QQ好友资料和QQ群资料4. QQ群消息接收与屏蔽设置5. 一键查看QQ空间和腾讯微博关键词Qqhd qq hd pad padqq pad qq for pad HD qq hd1.4 qqhdminihdmini平板电脑QQ qqmini 平板qq 平板电脑 高清 MSN QQ浏览器 腾讯 uc浏览器 手机微博 QQ农场 QQ牧场QQ偷菜 手机QQ mobile QQ QQ音乐 QQ阅读 QQ空间 Qzone QQ输入法 通讯录 QQ通讯录 QQ安全助手ucweb 天天浏览器 遨游浏览器 Opera迷你浏览器 QQ浏览器 天天 微信 人人 地图 音乐 空间 腾讯微博 新浪微博 客户端平板应用 HD软件 邮箱 QQ邮箱 腾讯新闻 QQ新闻 QQ输入法 自定义皮肤 聊天软件 即时通讯 微信 米聊 社交 交友 视频聊天视频软件 视频互通 语音通话 mobile qq mobile qq hd mobileqq mobileqqhd 高清平板
全新QQ农场3.2蜂巢版本隆重上线!偷菜!养鱼!养蜜蜂!【蜂巢】手机农场蜂巢版,不仅延续了电脑版的偷菜养鱼玩法,还有蜂巢可以玩哦,可爱又勤劳的小蜜蜂,收获更多乐趣和欢乐!【摩天轮】手机专属摩天轮签到,登录即可领取,每个月更新两套,只在手机农场哦!【丰富的活动】每周都有手机定制专属活动,各种豪华大礼包根本停不下来!【操作方便】手机农场操作更方便:一键收获、滑动就能去好友家偷菜!已经有很多朋友在玩,你还等什么呢?快加入手机农场的大家庭吧!自由自在新农场,用心创造快乐!官方微信:wx-qqfarm更多精彩访问官方下载页:nc.qq.com玩家交流群:184468915(android)加入游戏玩家群,更可以抢先获得下一个新版本的优先体验资格,最新活动的预告。【系统要求】本游戏支持Android 4.0以上, 分辨率800*480以上,RAM 256MB(推荐512M以上),CPU550MHz的Android手机。以下机型暂不支持:三星S5830、HTC Salsa C510e、HTC野火S(A510e)、中兴U880等部分品牌机型可能出现无法安装,请等待升级版本!The new Honeycomb version3.2 QQ farm grand on the line! Stealing food! Fish! Bees![Hive] farm hive phone version, not only continues the computerversion of the play to steal food fish, as well as honeycomb canplay Oh, cute little industrious bees, harvest more fun andjoy![Ferris Wheel Ferris wheel] phone exclusive sign, login to receive,update sets a month, only farm in the phone Oh![] A wealth of activities every week, mobile phone customizationexclusive events, a variety of luxury spree simply can notstop![] The phone easy to operate farm operation more convenient: a keyharvest, sliding friend can go home to steal food!Has a lot of friends in the play, what are you waiting for? Joinfamily farms phone now!Free New Farm, intention to create happiness!Official micro letter: wx-qqfarmMore exciting visit the official download page: nc.qq.comPlayers exchange group: 184468915 (android)Join groups of gamers, but also the first to get the next newversion of the first experience qualifications, notice of upcomingevents.[System Requirements]The game supports Android 4.0 or more, more than 800 * 480resolution, RAM 256MB (512M or more recommended), CPU 550MHzAndroid phone.Does not support the following models: Samsung S5830, HTC SalsaC510e, HTC Wildfire S (A510e), ZTE U880 and some other brand modelsmay fail to install, please wait for the upgrade version!
易迅网 v2.3.4
易迅网(yixun.com)-Android客户端是一款基于Android平台的网上购物应用软件,涵盖了手机数码、电脑办公、家居家电、汽车用品、百货个护五大类上千个品牌、数万种商品。如同淘宝商城、京东、新蛋、当当、一号店、卓越、库巴等网上商城,易迅网的Android客户端注重特色服务,功能上支持快速搜索、轻松购物;服务上延续了易迅网的仓储物流优势;体验上打造线上更方便快捷的购物方式。在手机上,您也可以享受:1.限时抢购,易迅团购,hold住全场的给力低价!2.时尚新品,小易推荐,让你天天新视觉!3.拇指达人,快速购物,轻松“易”点,“迅”速到家4.实用功能,搜索,查询,浏览,收藏,一切由你作主。5.购物比价,在国美、苏宁等任何数码电器城相中任何商品,只要上易迅网,轻松“易”点,“迅”速到家,让您购物更省钱;温馨提示:认准易迅,不是“易讯”哦!Yi XunNetwork (yixun.com)-Android client is an Android-based onlineshopping application software, covering mobile digital, computeroffice, home appliances, automotive supplies, five categories ofPersonal Care Stores thousands of brands, tens of thousands ofkinds of commodities. As Taobao Mall, Jingdong, new egg, Dangdang,One shop, excellence, Kuba and other online store, easy fastnetwork Android client focus on special services, support fastsearch functions, easy shopping; services on the continuation ofeasy fast network warehousing and logistics advantages; build onthe experience of shopping online is more convenient and efficientway.On the phone, you can also enjoy:1 limit buy, easy fast buy, hold live audience to forceprice!(2) new fashion, Xiao Yi recommendation, let you every day newvision!3 thumbs up to people, quick shopping, easy "easy" point, "fast"quick home4. Practical function, search, query, browse, collections, all atyour disposal.5 shopping comparison, in the United States, Suning Electric Cityany digital phase of any commodity, as long as the network easyfast and easy "easy" point, "fast" quick home, make your shoppingmore money;Tips: Look for easy fast, not "Easy -" Oh!
QQ空间(Qzone)是中国最大的社交网络,您可以使用手机查看好友动态、与好友互动,上传照片、写说说、写日志、签到、送礼;更有丰富的在线游戏,用心为您创造快乐!QQ space (Qzone) isChina's largest social network, you can use the mobile phone to seefriends dynamic, interact with friends, upload photos, write, talk,write the log, attendance, gifts; more rich online games, intentionto create happiness for you !
掌上论坛 Android_1.5.1(20130130)
掌上论坛Android版是由全国最大的社区平台与服务提供商Discuz!提供的一款手机客户端产品。你可以通过掌上论坛即时参与论坛互动、分享内容、发帖灌水,支持便捷的看帖、回帖与收藏等操作。同时结合手机拍照,实现即拍即发,让你随时随地分享自己的所见所闻,提供不亚于PC的发帖与阅读体验。关键字:论坛、bbs、论坛查看Androidversion of Pocket Forum is the nation's largest community platformand services provider Discuz! Provided a mobile client products.You can instantly via handheld Forum in the forum to interact,share content, posting irrigation support convenient DESC, postsand collection operation. Combined with mobile phone camera, shootthat hair, you share on their experience anytime, anywhere, postingas much as the PC and the reading experience.Keywords: forum, bbs, forum view
欢乐斗地主(腾讯)-国民第一斗地主 1.2.0
★★☆★★最纯正经典玩法+最刺激癞子玩法★★☆★★★★☆★★欢乐挑战赛火热来袭★★☆★★腾讯游戏推出的“欢乐斗地主”是包含斗地主经典玩法和癞子玩法的合集版本,同时加入挑战赛模式。特别为安卓用户量身定制,您可以与千万腾讯游戏玩家同桌竞技,在游戏中感受到无处不在的欢乐!【支持癞子玩法和其他玩法】首款手机端支持癞子玩法的斗地主游戏,还有任务,抢地主,明牌,加倍等玩法,刺激好玩的玩法提升游戏乐趣!【挑战赛模式】加入QQ游戏大厅的欢乐斗地主中广受玩家喜爱的挑战赛模式!让您在手机上也能体验到永不落幕的比赛,享受冲击冠军的刺激,感受竞技的乐趣!【与QQ游戏大厅完全互通】数据与QQ游戏大厅完全互通,与亿万玩家同桌竞技,真正感受无处不在的欢乐!【真实场景化游戏界面】这一次,您将更真实的坐在牌桌上和网友一起欢乐斗地主,真实场景化的游戏界面,让您感受家一般的温馨。【支持游戏换肤】游戏界面支持更换背景,“绿野仙踪”、“田园踏青”、“恬静书院”、“斗神擂台”……想闲暇对弈,还是激烈对战,游戏氛围您来选!【贴近真实打牌体验】真实的出牌体验,出牌不再凭空出现和消失,而是一直保留在桌上直到本局结束。后续还将加入手牌飞行动画,让你体验真实的打牌流程!【丰富趣味的游戏动画】飞机,炸弹,地主农民也有丰富的表情动作,为斗地主增添更多欢乐元素。★★ ☆ ★★ purest classicgameplay + Laizi most exciting play ★★ ☆ ★★★★ ☆ ★★ Happy Challenge fiery strikes ★★ ☆ ★★    Tencent Games launched the "HappyLandlords" Landlords version that contains a collection of classicgames are played and Laizi gameplay, while adding Challenge mode.Tailored specifically for the Android user, you can at the sametable with millions of gamers Tencent sports, everywhere feel thejoy in the game![Support Laizi play and other games are played]The first mobile terminal support Laizi Landlords play games, aswell as task, grab landlords, winning numbers, to redouble theirother games are played, exciting game play to enhance the fun![Challenge Mode]Join QQ games hall of joy Landlords widely loved by the playersChallenge mode! On the phone also allows you to experience thenever-ending game, enjoy stimulating impact of Champions,experience the fun of athletics![QQ games hall and fully interoperable]Data is fully interoperable with the QQ games hall, with hundredsof millions of players at the same table athletics, really feel thejoy everywhere![Real scene of the game interface]This time, you will be sitting at the poker table and a real joyLandlords friends together, the real scene of the game interface,so you feel homely.[Support] game EurocargoThe game interface supports change the background, "The Wizard ofOz," "pastoral outing," "quiet academy", "The God of the ring"...... think leisure chess, or intense gaming, game atmosphere Youchoose!Close to the real experience of playing cards []The real experience of the cards, the cards no longer appear anddisappear out of thin air, but remains on the table until the endof the Council. Follow-up will also join hands flying animation,let you experience the real play cards process![Rich] fun game animationAircraft, bombs, farmers have a rich landlord emotes for Landlordsadd more joy elements.
手机QQ游戏大厅 1.0
简介手机QQ游戏大厅,作为中国最大的手机游戏对战平台,目前正式登录Android系统,现支持320*480,480*800,480*854三个尺寸分辨率。一个客户端将所有QQ游戏一网打尽,第一时间体验最新游戏,与电脑玩家实时对战,一次登陆畅玩全部手机QQ游戏,随时随地,让快乐触手可及。特性1. 实现一次登录,所有游戏免登录无缝切换2. 根据用户手机屏幕尺寸自动匹配最优版本3. 记住玩家喜好,进入游戏更快速,更贴心4. 全新的UI设计及交互体验5. 支持多款游戏同时下载和断点续传6. 游戏免安装,即下即玩7. 与电脑端QQ游戏互联互通8. 一个程序网罗全部游戏,还用户整洁桌面
换机助手是一款超级便捷的手机资料快速迁移工具 1.3
新买的安卓机想导入旧机的部分资料?换手机想把旧机软件,通讯录,日程等集体搬家?换机助手是一款超级便捷的手机资料快速迁移工具。无需联网,不用数据线,安卓手机间轻松隔空传资料!目前手机常用的九大类型资料都可以轻松转移:通讯录,软件,短信,通话记录,书签,图片,音乐,视频,日程。使用简介:新旧两款手机均安装换机助手后,新手机选择“零流量接收”,旧手机选择“零流量转移“,然后选择相应的文件类型,再选择搜索到的新手机,等候片刻,即可完成传输!方便畅快,只需两步,就能傻瓜式无缝转移旧手机资料,换机必备神器!Andrewswould like to buy a new machine into the old machine part of theinformation?Want the old machine software for mobile phone, address book,calendar and other collective move?Replacement Assistant is a super fast and convenient mobile datamigration tool.No network, no data cable, Andrews Taking a pass data betweenphones easily!Currently nine common types of mobile phones can easily transferdata: contacts, software, SMS, call log, bookmarks, pictures,music, videos, schedule.Use Description:Both phones were installed replacement of old and new assistant,a new mobile phone select "zero flow receiving" old phone select"zero flow shift", then select the appropriate file type, and thenselect the search to the new phone, wait a moment to completetransmission! Convenient carefree, just two steps, you can transferyour old phone fool seamless information necessary replacementartifact!
掌上英雄联盟 5.0.3
掌上英雄联盟是腾讯游戏英雄联盟官方app,为LOL玩家提供专业的资讯和社交服务。*权威的LOL资讯,首发周免英雄!首发版本动态!来自官方的一手资讯,尽在掌上英雄联盟。*呈现游戏好友列表,随时随地让你掌握好友状态,订阅好友上线通知,APP直接与好友聊天。*全新个人信息主页,设置个性化头像和签名,做个真英雄!随时了解自己或他人的战绩情况。*赛事中心内战队战况、选手积分、英雄B/P应有尽有。还可以进行赛程订阅,精彩比赛不错过。*玩家印象,可以给和自己玩过游戏的小伙伴打标签,更多互动更多趣味。*更多精彩,尽在掌上英雄联盟!Pocket League of Tencentgame League official app, providing professional information andsocial services for LOL players.* LOL authoritative information first week Free hero! Initialrelease dynamic! First-hand information from the official, all inthe palm League.* Presented game friends list, make friends wherever you masterstatus, subscription friends on-line notification, APP directlychat with your friends.* New profile Home, set up personalized avatars and signatures, tobe a true hero! Keep abreast of the situation record yourself orothers.* Match Centre within the clan fighting, players score, hero B / Peverything. Fixtures can also subscribe to miss this wonderfulgame.* Players impression, you can give yourself and played the game ofa small partner to play tag, more interaction moreinteresting.* More exciting, all in the palm of the League of Legends!
腾讯Pad管家(aPad) 1.2.0
企业QQ 3.0.0
企业QQandroid版是基于企业QQ账号体系的一款android客户端,无缝连接7.8亿QQ活跃用户,既满足了企业成员各种内部通讯需要,又最大程度满足了企业对外联系需求。同时企业QQandroid版能和电脑版,Mac版和iPhone版的企业QQ互通与协作,解决用户移动办公的需求,提升了企业即时通讯效率。Enterprise QQ androidandroid version is based on a client enterprises QQ account systemto seamlessly connect QQ 780 million active users, both to meet thecorporate members of various internal communication needs, but alsothe greatest extent to meet the business needs of external links.While enterprises can QQ android version and computer version, Macversion and the iPhone version of the enterprise QQ exchange andcollaboration to address the needs of mobile users to enhance theefficiency of enterprise instant messaging.
手机腾讯网 1.2
QQ情侣 1.5.0
QQ情侣是中国最专业、最为情侣用户青睐的情侣专属应用,过亿情侣用户选择了QQ情侣。QQ情侣,与爱相随功能特点介绍:=蜜语--信息永久保存=随时随地和TA蜜语传情。你可以给对方写一段甜蜜文字,也可以发一段甜蜜话语,甚至忙时不想打字发一个有爱的状态汇报。信息永久保存,即使误删应用,也能恢复蜜语信息。=情侣表情--让沟通更有爱=丰富、有爱的情侣专属表情,更传神表达你的心情,让沟通更有爱、更好玩。=蜜语盒子--收藏爱的话语=蜜语盒子能收藏每一段爱的话语。还记得从前总爱将TA发来的“特别”短信摘抄下来,使用QQ情侣你可以快捷收藏蜜语,而且仅你自己可见哦。=记录--写下你们的甜蜜时光=记录点滴,记录爱。你可以在这里写日记、传照片,留住每一个甜蜜时刻。=纪念日--记住每个特别日子=记住每一个意义非凡的日子。记录你们相恋多少天,第一次牵手时间…..当周年纪念日到来时,还可按照用户提醒的方式提醒。=密码锁定--保护隐私=支持设置应用独立锁屏密码,保护您们的隐私。爱TA,就和TA开一个QQ情侣!Couples QQis China's most professional, most couples couple of usersexclusive application, the user selects a couple of billions ofdollars QQ couple.QQ couple, and love lastFeatures introduced:= Sweet words - information permanently stored =Anytime, anywhere and TA sweet words teaser. You can give eachother a sweet write text, you can also send a sweet words, evenwhen busy typing do not want to send a report on the state of love.Information permanently stored, even mistakenly deletedapplications, but also to restore sweet words information.= Couples face - make communication more love =Rich, there are a couple of exclusive expression of love, morevivid expression of your feelings, so that communication is morelove, more fun.= Sweet words of the box - Collection of love words =Collection boxes can be sweet words of love words per paragraph.Love will always remember how the old TA sent a "special" messageexcerpt down, you can use the Quick Collection QQ couple sweetwords, and only visible to you, oh.= Record - Write your sweet time =Record bit, records love. Here you can write a diary, uploadphotos, keep each one sweet moment.= Day - remember that each particular day =Remember that each day of special significance. Record the numberof days you fell in love, first hand time ... .. When anniversaryarrives, also in accordance with the user's way to remindreminder.= Password lock - protecting privacy =Supports setting a password lock screen application independent,they protect your privacy.Love TA, TA open it and a couple of QQ!
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QQ网购 V2.3.0
QQ网购安卓版是腾讯旗下网上购物平台QQ网购(buy.qq.com)针对安卓用户开发的手机客户端,与QQ网购主页同步,全面支持易迅电器城、拍拍、QQ商城,为用户提供随时随地移动淘宝的完美体验,更具有话费充值、买彩票、电影票、物流查询、财付通安全支付等功能功能介绍1、 语音抢购:每小时一个特价商品语音抢购,好玩又得实惠;2、 摇钱树: 摇动摇钱树,即可获得QQ网购积分、优惠券、Q币等丰厚礼包;3、 今日特价:全面同步拍拍、QQ商城特价商品,手机端也可以随时抢4、 其他:全面支持手机话费充值、彩票、电影票购买Keyword:腾讯;QQ;QQ网购;QQ商城;拍拍;淘宝;京东;天猫;苏宁;易购;当当;亚马逊;国美;库巴;一号店;V+;易迅;凡客;麦包包;珂兰钻石;购物;团购;快递查询;电影票;充话费;QQ onlineshopping Andrews Edition is the online shopping platform Tencent'sQQ online shopping (buy.qq.com) developed for Android mobile clientusers, and QQ online shopping homepage synchronization, fullsupport for easy fast Electric City, pat, QQ Mall, providing usersanytime, anywhere mobile Taobao perfect experience, more prepaidrecharge, buy lottery tickets, movie tickets, logistics inquiries,money paid through secure payment and other functionsFeaturesA voice snapped: one hour specials voice snapped, fun and getbenefits;2, the cash cow: Shake cash cow, you can get points QQ onlineshopping, coupons, Q coins and other generous gifts;3, today's special: a comprehensive synchronization pat, QQ mallspecials, the mobile terminal can always grab4, Other: full support for mobile prepaid recharge, lotterytickets, buy movie ticketsKeyword: Tencent; QQ; QQ online shopping; QQ Mall; pat; Taobao;Jingdong; Lynx; Suning; Tesco; Dangdang; Amazon; United States;Kuba; One shop; V +; Yi Xun; Where the customer; wheat breadpackage; Kelan diamonds; shopping; buy; express queries; movietickets; charge calls;
√ 中国互联网年度“最佳用户体验”产品,千万用户的共同选择√ 国内首款最文艺、最受欢迎的照片加水印软件**** 产品功能介绍 ****丰富的模版,新颖的玩法,把“好故事”印在照片上!1.丰富的水印类型:特色、心情、人像、天气、地点、时间、美食7大类百余款水印;2.智能的水印模版:天气、地点、时间、分贝、海拔、速度,智能水印自动添加到照片上;3.自定义水印内容:给美食打分、设置自己的纪念日、修改地点名称、编辑心情文字等;4.人像水印新玩法:真身大鉴定、魅力值、夫妻脸等,让一个人的拍照成为一群人的欢乐;5.一键分享:QQ空间、微信好友、朋友圈、QQ好友、腾讯微博等各大社交平台,均可轻松一键分享!√ China Internet annual"Best User Experience" product, the common choice of millions ofusers√ domestic first most literary and popular photo watermarkingsoftware**** **** Product FeaturesRich templates, innovative gameplay, the "good stories" printed onphotos!1. Rich watermark types: character, mood, portrait, weather,location, time, food seven major categories hundreds of modelswatermark;2. Intelligent watermark templates: weather, location, time, db,altitude, speed, intelligent watermark automatically added to thephoto;3. Custom watermark content: to gourmet scoring, set their ownanniversaries, modify the location name, edit text and othermood;The watermark portrait new play: Mami Big identification, Charisma,couples face, so that a person's photograph to become a group ofpeople happy;5. A key share: QQ space, micro-letter friends, circle of friends,QQ friends, Tencent microblogging and other major social networkingplatform, can easily share a key!
361everywhere 1.0
Everyone has a kind of love, even if the time of grinding, eventhough the real suffering, love the spirit, here will always besupported. Unchanged love, start from here!Whether are looking for their own movement begun? On 2011, 361degrees for sports loving you to create a public share platform -361 DEG Chinese Electronic Sports map, together with the miningside sports and venues. Join us, from now on, make loveeverywhere!
QQ看演出 1.3.0
★★腾讯品质软件推荐★★精品应用【QQ电影票】原班人马再度集结!迄今最酷的全国演出场次查询购票应用不知道如何安排您的休闲时光?打开我们的应用吧,轻轻一触,本地娱乐演出生活尽在您掌握!-------------应用介绍--------------QQ看演出是一款强大的演出查询应用,为您提供全国范围内上千场演唱会、话剧、音乐会等9大类型的演出排期查询和优惠订票服务,通过它您可以快速了解本地近期最热门的演出,同时收藏和关注您喜欢的演出和明星,获取最新巡演动态。-----------揭秘六大亮点------------【演出罗盘】最热演出是转出来的,怎么转?试试看【海量演出】最火演唱会?最潮的话剧?尽在这里【巡演追踪】明星演唱会巡演行踪一览无余【个性订阅】收藏喜欢的演出和明星,获取新动态【全场包邮】真品门票,放心购买,全国包邮【我最实惠】会员和绿钻独享购票5%Q币返利--------------联系我们--------------在使用过程中遇到了任何问题,欢迎向我们吐槽,我们会及时对您的意见进行回复。邮箱:QQyanchu@qq.com官方QQ群:206200658我们的网站:yanchu.qq.com★ ★ theTencent quality software recommended ★ ★Boutique [QQ movie tickets] original cast gathered again!So far the coolest national performances query ticketapplicationI do not know how to arrange your leisure time? Open ourapplication, a touch, local entertainment shows life all in yourhands!------------- Introduced --------------QQ watch the show is a powerful performance query application, toprovide you with thousands of concerts, drama, concerts nationwidenine types of performances scheduled queries and discount bookingservice, which allows you to quickly understand the local the mostpopular recent performances, collections and concerned about yourfavorite shows and stars, to obtain the latest tour dynamic.----------- Secret the six bright spot ------------Of performances compass hottest performances turn out, how to turn?Give it a try[Performance] mass hottest concert? Most influx drama? Sign InHere[Tour track] star concert tour whereabouts glance, [Personalized Subscribe,] Bookmark favorite shows and stars,obtain a new dynamicFREE Shipping genuine tickets and buy with confidence, the nationalshipping[] Most affordable member and Green Diamond exclusive ticket rebateof 5% Q currency-------------- CONTACT --------------Encounter any problems during use, Tucao welcome to us, we willpromptly reply to your comments.E-mail: QQyanchu@qq.comOfficial QQ group: 206 200 658Our website: yanchu.qq.com
QQ提醒 2.2.0
QQ团购(必备推荐) 1.1.0
腾讯微博HD(Android Pad) 1.5.1
QQ news feed web browser
QQ news feed web browser, holding the firstmarket share of Browser category in mainland China, is providingexcellent and high quality browser services for millions of usersevery day.QQ news feed web browser has the following advantages:*News - Real-time news browsing safer*Faster - Experience a fast, smart and personal Web.*Privacy Browsing - Use private tabs to browse incognito withoutleaving a trace on your device.*Night Mode - Switch to Night Mode to make night reading morecomfortable.As you can see, QQ news feed Web browser is so amazing. You canenjoy a wealth of information anywhere, except in mainlandChina.Your options matter a lot to us. We pay close attention to yourfeedback and we do read every problem and suggestion. Making agreat Browser product is the goal that we always pursue.
QQLauncher:MorningRain Theme 1.0
【You should install the lastest QQLauncher version】This theme is for QQ Launcher Pro.You should install QQLauncher first, search thekeyword("QQLauncher") on the market.【What's QQ Launcher Pro】A superior Android-based desktop application, QQ Launcher Proreplaces conventional desktops with an enhanced range of frequentlyused desktop features such as screen and program management.Flashier in the looks department, the solution couples richerfunctionality with superior performance.Twitter:http://twitter.com/QQLauncher
应用宝HD(Android)是专为安卓平板用户打造的游戏应用商店,致力于为用户提供丰富、优质、安全、个性化的安卓软件游戏资源和一站式的下载管理体验,全方位覆盖用户的下载、管理、收藏、分享、社交娱乐等多样化需求。Applications Treasure HD (Android) is designed for Android tabletusers to create game app store, to provide users with a rich,high-quality, secure, personalized and one-stop Android softwaredownload game resources management experience, covering the fullrange of users download, management, collection, sharing, socialentertainment and other diverse needs.
Qube Launcher-Free HD Theme 3.5.0506
Qube Launcher provides fast and simpleexperience for you to manage your desktop and beautify yourlauncher.Feature:1. Unique Smart Folder function helps you to sort applications intofolders by using innovative intelligent classificationalgorithm;2. The industry's first HD theme, born for the big screen;3. Support cross screen move in edit mode;4. Private folder to hide your sensitive applications;5. Support various resolution.
鲜为人知的精华,拍照爱死的软件!不信试试◆ 震撼特效,全球独创。漫画、彩铅、蜡笔…◆ 智能美颜,一键自然美。嫩肤、瘦脸、祛斑…◆ 手动美颜,全方位美容。瘦腰、丰胸、亮眼…◆ 清晰夜拍,留住想珍惜的夜晚,这是无价的…The essence of thelittle-known, loved taking pictures software! Try not believe◆ shock effects, the world's original. Comics, the color of lead,crayons ...◆ intelligent beauty, a key natural beauty. Rejuvenation,face-lift, freckle ...◆ Manual beauty, full of beauty. Thin waist, breast, dazzling...◆ clear night shoot, retaining want to cherish the night, this ispriceless ...
QQLauncher(New Awesome Theme)
【QQLauncher 2.8】What's new:1. Add online wallpaper,different types of wallpaper make yourdesktop more exciting2. Update default Lock Screen3. New Moxiu Theme,give you more choices4. Bug fixesA superior Android-based desktop application, QQ Launcherreplaces conventional desktops with an enhanced range of frequentlyused desktop features such as screen and program management.Flashier in the looks department, the solution couples richerfunctionality with superior performance.The launcher supports the following cool features:1. Built-in widgets such as shortcut switches and taskmanager;2. Impressive screen-switching effects (menu > settings >screen);3. A complete set of program management functions, free sequencing,multidimensional arrangements, and smart searches;4. Quick access to the Store for users to download applicationsanytime;5. Custom folders that classify applications;6. One-key desktop relocation without losing anything. (Tapping OKafter the first installation will guide you through importingdefault desktop icons.)7. Provide several sets of personalized skin;8. Cool Lock Screen.==================================QQLauncher, personalization, save power, application list, QQHome,Tencent, Qzone, SNS, home, theme, desktop, clock, SPB, LauncherPro, ADW, 3D, market, widget, wallpaper, MIUI, go launcher, dxhome,skin, qlauncher, launcher, q launcher, qq home, qq desktop,QQDesktop, TencentDesktop, TencentLauncher, qlauncher pro, QQLauncher Pro, QQPro, launcherpro, qlauncher, QQ桌面, QQ桌面Pro, 腾讯, QQ,微博, facebook, twitter, 主题, 壁纸 qqlauncher ,桌面qlauncher QQ LauncherPro LauncherPro QQLauncher============Twitter:http://twitter.com/QQLauncher============
视力健康管家,夜间护眼神器!聚焦移动用户视力保护,关注少儿成长与亲情互动!1.防辐射护眼:通知栏随时调节蓝光过滤强度。研究发现,蓝光能穿透晶状体到达视网膜,对其造成光学损害。眼萌帮您迅速过滤蓝色光波,保护眼睛;自动开启夜间模式,让您远离视网膜黄斑区疾病。还特别针对微信和浏览器优化阅读效果哦。2.说朋友圈:一键分享您的声音,公众号听得懂您说话。3.儿童防走失:儿童保护可定位防丢失,通过官网查询儿童位置。4.一键变儿童手机:只需设置一个密码让您的手机变身“儿童手机”(儿童防沉迷模式),只能打电话发短信,让您可以随时联络孩子,又不必担心孩子贪玩损伤视力。5.疲劳提醒:在您不健康使用手机时温馨提醒,让您保持良好的用眼习惯,更有眼萌怪教您多种恢复锻炼。用眼历史数据档案,为eye守护永久。6.视力测试:市面上最专业有趣的视力测试,精准测试用户的双眼度数;色盲色弱测试。7.红包提醒:支持微信群和QQ群(好友)发来的红包,通过简单设置即可提醒,无需ROOT,无任何外挂和信息输入。8.完全免费、无广告!Visual healthhousekeeper, night eye artifact! Focus on mobile users eyeprotection, concern interact with children growing family!1. Radiation eye: notification bar at any time to adjust theintensity of the blue filter. The study found that blue light canpenetrate the lens to the retina, causing optical damage. Eye Menghelp you quickly filter blue light and protect eyes; automaticopening night mode, allowing you to stay away from the macular areaof ​​disease. Also specifically optimized for micro-letters andreading results oh browser.2. Say circle of friends: a key to share your voice, understandyour public number speak.3. Anti-lost children: child protection can be positioned againstloss, query position of children through the officialwebsite.4. One key change children's mobile phones: simply set a passwordto keep your phone turned "Child phone" (Children's anti-addictionmodel), can only call and send text messages, so you can feel freeto contact the child, and do not worry about the children fundamage eyesight.5. Fatigue Reminder: Reminder unhealthy when you use the phone,allowing you to maintain good habits with the eyes, more eye Mengblame teach you a variety of recovery exercise. Historical dataarchives eye for eye permanent guardian.6. vision test: the market's most interesting professional visiontest, eye test users precise degree; color blindness color weaknesstest.7. red reminder: micro-channel support group and QQ group (Friends)sent envelopes to be reminded by simple setting without ROOT,without any external input and information.8. totally free, no ads!
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腾讯照片管家是专为安卓用户打造的手机照片管理软件,以“做最好用的照片管理工具”为使命,为您全力打造简洁清爽的界面设计,流畅便捷的使用体验,不仅能智能隐藏垃圾照片,提供方便实用的美化编辑功能,更为您倾力打造可原图备份的云端相册,安全靠谱的加密相册,独具特色的照片流看图体验!Tencent photo housekeeperis designed for Android mobile phone users to create photomanagement software, to "make the best use of photo managementtool" for the mission, for you to create simple and cool interfacedesign, smooth and convenient experience, not only smart hide trashPhotos, providing convenient and practical landscaping editingfunctions, the more you can effort to build the album artwork cloudbackup, security, encryption fly album, unique photo stream Figureexperience!
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傲世西游 1.0
我们15个 1.2.4
兴趣部落是腾讯官方兴趣社交产品,帮助你找到趣味相投的那群人。「主要功能」· 发现部落:无论你多么特立独行,喜好多么冷门,总有人和你一样。· 分享话题:支持发表文字、语音、图片、音乐、视频等多种形式的主题。· 创建部落:打造你的兴趣地盘,邀请朋友们一起分享和讨论。· 兴趣圈:随时查看部落小伙伴们分享的话题。· 交友:找到兴趣相投的朋友,再陌生也有的聊。· 一键签到:APP用户专享特权。「部落推荐」如果你喜欢游戏、小说、动漫、音乐、旅行、摄影、体育、健身、星座、宠物、直播……这里都有跟你一样狂热的人,在部落等你来发现和结识。· 游戏类:王者荣耀、穿越火线、部落冲突、时空猎人等。· 小说类:大主宰、完美世界、天域穹庐、择天记等。· 动漫类:火影忍者、海贼王、死神、二次元等。· 美女类:美女、彩妆、护肤、女神、自拍、直播等。「联系我们」使用过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎联系我们,产品经理不会错过任何一条反馈。· 邮箱:buluo@tencent.com· App内:点击[我]-[设置]-[意见反馈]Tencent official interesttribe is a social interest in products that help you to findlike-minded group of people."The main function"Discovering Tribe: No matter how independent, how upset like,someone like you.· Share topic: his support for forms relating to text, voice,images, music, video and so on.· Create tribe: Build your interest in the site and invite friendsto share and discuss.· Interest Circle: always check the small tribal partners to sharethe topic.· Dating: Find friends with similar interests, and then also somestrange talk.· A key sign: APP users exclusive privileges."Tribal Recommended"If you like games, novels, animation, music, travel, photography,sports, fitness, constellations, pets, live ...... here arefanatical people like you, in the tribal waiting for you todiscover and get to know.· Game category: glory of the King, Cross Fire, tribal conflicts,and other space-time hunter.· Fiction: large dominate, Perfect World, Horizon Qionglu, Kee andother select days.· Anime: Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, the second element and soon.· Beauty categories: beauty, makeup, skin care, goddess,self-timer, and so live."contact us"Use encounter any problems, please contact our product manager willnot miss any of feedback.· E-mail: buluo@tencent.com· App within: Click [I] - [Settings] - [Feedback]
王者荣耀助手是腾讯游戏王者荣耀官方APP,为王者玩家提供最专业的资讯、社交和数据应用服务。功能包含:资讯-官方资讯动态,轻松收集各方福利;聊天-聊天加好友,随性查阅TA的战绩;发现-看直播、讨论英雄、找福利、逛BBS、看好友圈数据、看英雄排名;我的-看对局数据深度解析,看看与大神的差距;更多精彩,尽在王者荣耀助手!王者荣耀助手反馈QQ群:362116521King of glory king ofglory assistant Tencent game official APP, to provide the mostprofessional players information to the king, social services anddata applications. Features include:Information - Official News Center, easily collect benefits allparties;Chat - Chat add friends, casual Buyers TA record;Discovery - watch live discussions hero, looking for benefits,visit BBS, friends circle to see the data, see the rankinghero;I - Review of Game data depth analysis, look at the gap between thepower of God;More exciting, all in honor of the King assistant!King of glory assistant feedback QQ group: 362 116 521
小Q画笔 1.5.0
!!最好用的图片标注工具 !!产品经理走查必备神器 !!腾讯最强大的图片处理团队出品 ===产品功能===小Q画笔拥有最简洁的界面,极小的体积,提供箭头、形状、涂鸦、文字、剪切、马赛克6个标注功能,并可一键分享至微信或QQ好友,帮助你用图片进行最流畅的沟通。产品走查]不装小Q画笔不是好产品经理,截图标注分享讨论,快速搞定不加班。[教咱妈用手机】远程教学不用愁,让咱妈学用手机工具,从零到精通。 [拍照标注]拍照、标注,两步标出身边的奇葩人和物品。
腾讯游戏官方app,为腾讯游戏用户提供游戏好友和帮派等聊天以及专业的资讯、维护提醒、活动提醒、快速充值、游戏模拟器及资料库功能。支持游戏:NBA2KOL、天涯明月刀、逆战、剑灵、火影忍者OL、使命召唤OL、上古世纪、疾风之刃和御龙在天等游戏Tencent official gameapp,Tencent Games Games gangs and other friends and chat,andprofessional information, maintenance reminders, eventreminders,fast recharge, game simulator and database functions.Support game:NBA2KOL, Magic Blade, against the war, sword of theSpirit, NarutoOL, Call of Duty OL, ancient century, blast blade andDragon in thedays and other games
腾讯动漫 7.3.7
【产品特色】1、高清直播:不仅拥有流畅的开播体验,还自带高级美颜效果,同时支持私密公开、横屏竖屏的随心设置,更有720P的清晰度,为您打造至尊的直播体验。2、特色预告:提前发布直播预告,享受做焦点的感觉。3、上传录制:网络不好?异步录制内容无法分享?无缝切换录制与本地上传解决您的顾虑。4、互动观看:给主播和观众以流畅的互动打赏体验,同时提供禁言、黑名单、管理员等功能,向违规行为说再见。5、精彩回放:错过了直播还能看回放,流畅到让你咋舌。6、海量直播内容:除了手机直播之外,观众还能看到更多特色rtmp流直播内容,让你告别单一直播,不怕你看不到,就怕你想不到。7、多渠道展现:优质内容不仅会获得腾讯直播首页推荐,还会在腾讯视频上展现喔!【意见反馈】官方微信:腾讯直播【feature ofproduct】1, high-definition broadcast: not only has a smooth launchexperience, but also comes with advanced beauty effect, whilesupporting public private, and fonts horizontal screen verticalscreen, more clarity of 720P, you create a supreme liveexperience.2, features Trailer: trailer released ahead of broadcast, do enjoythe feeling of focus.3. Upload recording: the network is not good? Asynchronous recordedcontent can not be shared? Seamlessly switch recording anduploading local address your concerns.4, interactive view: to the model and the audience in order tosmooth a reward interactive experience while providing gag,blacklist, administrators and other functions, say goodbye to theviolations.5, replay: see also missed the live playback, smooth to make youspeechless.6, massive live content: In addition to the mobile phone live,viewers can see more features rtmp stream live content to let yousay goodbye to single live, afraid you can not see, afraid you cannot think.7, multi-channel show: Tencent quality content will not only gethome recommend live, but also to show on Tencent video Oh!【Feedback】Official micro letter: Tencent live
掌上飞车,腾讯游戏官方出品,为《QQ飞车》用户提供视频直播,聊天,以及游戏官方资讯、活动和维护提醒、帐号管理、扫码登录等特性功能,为端游用户提供永不离线的游戏体验!Speed ​​Pocket,Tencentgame official produced, providing "QQ Speed" user livevideo, chat,and the game's official information, activities andmaintenancealerts, account management, and other features scan codeto logfeatures for end users never offline tour gameexperience!
腾讯游戏官网出品,为《逆战》用户提供游戏好友和战队等群组织聊天,同时还有最新福利、图文资讯、直播和赛事等,军火库资料,最全活动和提醒及大小号管理等特性功能,为端游用户提供永不离线的游戏体验。Tencent producedthegame's official website offers gaming friends and clan groupsandother organizations to chat "against the war" users, as well asthelatest welfare, graphic information, and live events likearsenalof information, most all activities and alerts size andnumbermanagement feature provides offline gaming experience neverendsdownstream users.
腾讯欢乐麻将全集-血战·血流·换三张·二人·武汉·国标·单机 6.8.25
《腾讯欢乐麻将》是腾讯倾力打造的一款经典国粹麻将棋牌游戏。时尚简约的中国风画面,3D真人实时对战,陪伴你欢乐每一天。天天有比赛,时时有奖拿!好友房系统最新上线,为你及好友提供稳定、安全的对局环境,即使好友不在身边也能随时开战,实时语音聊天,距离虽远但感情更近!【玩法最全麻将】【四川麻将】:血流成河、血战到底,玩法简单刺激,打缺门、刮风下雨、查花猪、查大叫,牌型番型少而简单易记;【川麻换三张】:四川麻将血流成河、血战到底玩法新增换三张玩法,清一色大胡更爽快!【广东麻将】:入门级麻将,规则简单易学。特色玩法买马,比胡牌还刺激!【大众麻将】:基于国标玩法演变而成,成胡即可,低门槛胡牌规则,80多种番型计分方法;【二人雀神】:最受欢迎的二人麻将,去掉筒和条,提高竞技性和胡牌刺激性;【武汉麻将】:开口番,口口番,红中赖子杠,红中发财杠,七皮四赖玩法。快、大、狠,给你带来最地道,最够味的武汉麻将!【单机麻将】:不用流量也能玩的麻将!【竞赛模式】:血流,血战,二人,国标挑战赛,比赛要这样玩才够味!【好友房】:邀请好友随时开房对战;【社交趣味所在】支持微信和QQ登录游戏,随时跟微信QQ好友比拼。每天互送豆子,表达心意(豆子均由系统送出)。打出天胡、地胡、特殊番时,记得及时分享快乐哦。【特别声明】本款《腾讯欢乐麻将》完全独立,与PC端及其他任何平台的数据无法互通。本款游戏内的道具"游戏豆"不能用于其他任何应用。同样的,其他应用内的道具或收益也无法用于本款游戏。腾讯平台上的虚拟货币, 比如Q币,Q点都无法在游戏内使用,特此说明。
花样直播闪亮更新: 1、全新的爵位动效,进房升级豪气展现2、更多的好看礼物,让你礼物送到停不下来 3、新增点歌功能,主播专属献唱不是梦 4、守护心仪主播,丰富特权等你拿花样直播(原为QT娱乐)是腾讯官方推出的一款集直播、聊天、交友、娱乐为一体的视频聊天软件。高颜值会唱歌的明星网红24小时视频热聊互动。PC手机同步播放。在这里,你可以:看表演:唱歌、跳舞、脱口秀,丰富的直播品类满足你的多种娱乐诉求 语音交友:网络版的“非诚勿扰”,语音相亲,寻找属于你的TA女神视频:气质女神、白富美、二次元萌妹,应有尽有。 玩出新花样,就在花样直播!Shiny Mood Live Update:1, the new title dynamic efficiency, upgrade pride into the room toshow 2 more nice gift, a gift to make you not stop 3, the new songfeatures, exclusive singing anchor is not a dream 4 , guardianfavorite anchor, so you get rich privilegeMood Live (formerly QT entertainment) is the official Tencentlaunched a set of live chat, dating, entertainment video chatsoftware. High color value red singing star networks 24-hour videohot chat interaction. PC Phone sync playback.Here, you can:Watching the show: temperament goddess, white Fu-mei, the secondelement: sing, dance, talk, rich live category to meet your variousentertainment demands voice Dating: Web version of "You Are theOne," the voice blind date, find your own TA goddess video Mengsister, everything. Play new tricks, tricks live in!
掌上王者荣耀 1.6.2
《掌上王者荣耀》是腾讯官方出品App,为王者荣耀玩家提供最专业的游戏资讯、辅助、社区服务。欢迎大家加入我们的QQ群:198923624,期待您的意见和反馈。主要功能包括:1. 游戏精彩时刻自动截图2. 屏蔽游戏中来电/信息骚扰3. 游戏战绩&资产查询4. 官方资讯&活动资讯5. 全王者大神局观战推荐6. 个性化攻略、视频推荐7. 游戏资料、英雄趋势查询8. 好友游戏状态、战绩查询我们会不断丰富优化,提供更多优质服务。"Pocket king of glory"isthe official website produced App, provide the mostprofessionalgame information for the glory of the King player,auxiliary andcommunity services. Welcome to join our QQ group: 198923 624, lookforward to your comments and feedback.Key features include:1. Game moments automatic screenshot2. The shield game call / message harassment3. Games & Asset record query4. Official News & Events News5. Full Board spectator recommended the god king6. Personalized Raiders, video recommendations7. The game data, trends hero inquiry8. Friends Games state record queryWe will continue to optimize the rich to provide morequalityservices.
颜值创造 1.2
颜值创造是为《怪物猎人OL》猎人们打造的专属捏脸工具,无需客户端,在app上就能完成全部操作。通过捏脸app,猎人可以打造出专属于自己的个性人物,而在捏脸完成之后,更可直接上传服务器,完成人物创建。应用内置独特而丰富的时装和造型,兼具娱乐趣味性。Yen value creationfor"Monster Hunter OL" hunters pinched face tool to createexclusive,no client on the app will be able to complete the entireoperation.By pinching the face app, hunters can create their ownspecialpersonality character, and after completion of kneadingface, butyou can upload servers directly, complete charactercreation.Applications built unique and rich fashion andmodeling,entertaining fun.
企鹅看看 1.4.4
闪咖是一款由腾讯公司出品的年轻人短视频社区应用,主打10秒大片录制、音乐秀、对口型表演等功能,视频配上酷炫动效、实时美颜、加速录制等效果,瞬间逼格满满。闪咖还汇聚了一大批好玩有趣的网红达人,搞笑帅哥、呆萌萝莉、性感女神…经,应有尽有!来闪咖,秀出最闪耀的自己!=====闪咖宝典=====【原创】10秒原创大片录制,潮酷引爆微信朋友圈【酷炫动效】酷炫的、可爱的、唯美的,多种创意视频特效,让您的作品逼格满满【音乐秀】海量音乐,录制您的专属MV【加速录制】开启2倍、3倍加速录制,让您的劲舞秀更有范儿【实时美颜】实时美颜处理,镜头里的自己,怎么看都美美哒【对口型表演】模仿经典桥段,其实你是个演员【一起演】想跟谁演就跟谁演,好友、明星、达人随意挑选,即使相隔万里,也能一起合演=====联系闪咖=====想成为闪咖达人吗?快点加入我们吧!官方QQ群:130323716Flash is a coffeeproduced by the Tencent community youth short video applications,large main 10 seconds recording, music show, lip-performancefeatures such as dynamic video coupled with cool efficiency, realbeauty, speed and other effects recording, instant grid full force.Flash also coffee together a large number of fun and interestingnetwork red people, funny guy, stay Meng LORI, sexy goddess ...through, everything! Flash to coffee, they show the most shiningown!===== ===== Flash coffee Collection[Original] 10 seconds to record the original blockbuster, set offtidal cool micro-channel circle of friends[Cool] dynamic efficiency cool, lovely, beautiful, a variety ofcreative video effects to make your work force full grid[Music] show massive music, record your exclusive MV[Record] acceleration turned 2 times, 3 times accelerationrecording, allowing you more range of children's dance show[Real-time] beauty beauty in real-time processing, the lens oftheir own, to see how the United States and the United Statesda[Lip-synching performances] imitate the classic plot, in fact, youare an actor[Want to] play together who played on whom to play, friends, stars,Daren choose, even thousands of miles apart, but also to co-startogetherContact coffee ===== ===== flashI want to be a flash of coffee people? Come and join us!Official QQ group: 130 323 716
天天快报大字版 3.1.10
快报在手,热点都有,见多识广,吹牛有料。天天快报,是腾讯新闻团队倾力打造的一款兴趣阅读软件。丰富有趣的内容,只为你私人定制;基于兴趣的推荐,为你节约阅读成本;清爽的体验,希望你越用越喜欢。主要功能:1. 网罗各类热点无论是国内外要闻、头条八卦、精彩直播、火爆赛事,还是各类段子、福利美图、养生知识、减肥宝典……快报帮你一网打尽,致力让你成为朋友圈有趣、有范儿的话题。2. 智能推荐资讯我们有一群技术宅,希望通过你的每次点击,每次分享,从海量资讯中找到你钟意的内容。我们不求改变世界,只希望通过一行行代码,让你更加享受阅读的乐趣。虽未谋面,愿能懂你。更多精彩,等你体验。如果有任何的问题,请联系我们!天天快报大字版用户群:230308852Letters in hand, thereare hot spots, well-informed, there are bragging material.Express every day, Tencent news effort to build a team interestedin reading software.Rich and interesting content, private customized just foryou;Recommended based on interest, you save the cost of reading;Refreshing experience, the more you use the more hope you likeit.The main function:1. snare all kinds of hot spotsBoth domestic and foreign news, gossip headlines, live exciting,popular events, or various types of scripts, Mito welfare, healthknowledge, help you lose weight canon ...... Letters catch, toallow you to become an interesting circle of friends, a range ofchildren's topic.2. Intelligent Recommendation InformationWe have a group of skilled home, you hope each click, each share,find your favored content from the mass of information. We do notseek to change the world, just hope that through code line by line,make you more enjoy reading.Although not met, I wish you can understand.More exciting, waiting for you to experience. If you have anyquestions, please contact us!Express every day, large print user groups: 230 308 852
腾讯校猿,严格认证安全有料!真实校园互动社区~丰富玩法,精品内容~等你成为其中一“猿”!严格学生认证,纯净校园环境不担心!精品优质内容,精准推荐校园新鲜事!多样校园组织,加入社团线上一起玩!校园八卦密聊,纸飞机偶遇神秘的TA!从五分熟开始,遇见合拍小伙伴!尽在腾讯校猿!--------主要功能--------1.【动态】——关注好友的生活日常好友动态一手掌握,最亲密的同学圈子!(每日生活来这里分享~ (๐•̆ •̭ •̆๐) )2.【校园人脉】——线上校园人脉圈子精准推荐,快速找到身边同学~(快去交朋友哼唧~ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ )3.【新鲜事】——学生向优质内容平台精准推荐大学生感兴趣的内容~!(我们想懂你~ (ง •̀_•́)ง )4.【社团】——和感兴趣的人玩在一起创建/加入社团&兴趣小组,找到同好同学~(快让社团同学一起加入呀~ ( ´▽` ) )5.【送玫瑰&发弹幕】——用礼物、弹幕记录瞬间心动~手指轻轻一点,礼物与弹幕齐飞~(把你的喜欢送给Ta~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ )6.【纸飞机】——放飞心情,与Ta聊天心事,喜悦,或者小秘密,写给陌生人的心情~(邂逅不期而遇的Ta~ (◍•ᴗ•◍)ゝ )--------联系我们--------在线反馈:进入腾讯校猿 我的->设置->反馈官方QQ群:465207585官方QQ号:1619855742有任何问题和建议,欢迎反馈交流!Tencent college ape,there are strict safety certification material!Interactive real campus community - rich gameplay, quality content-Waiting for you to become a "ape"!Strict student certification, campus clean environment do notworry!Quality premium content, accuracy campus recommend somethingnew!Diverse campus organizations, to join the community online to playwith!Campus gossip secret chat, paper airplane encounters mysteriousTA!From medium rare start, and found a small co-productionpartner!Tencent all in school ape!--------The main function--------1. [dynamic] - concerned friend of the daily lifeFriends dynamic in one hand, the most intimate circle ofstudents!(Daily life come here to share ~ (0 • ̆ • ̭ • ̆0))2. [connections] campus - the campus online network of peoplecirclePrecise recommendation, to quickly find students around ~(Go and make friends whines ~ ∠ (ᐛ "∠) _)3. [novelty] - students to premium content platformPrecise recommendations of interest to students ~!(We want to know you ~ (ง • _ •) ง)4. [Associations] - and people interested in playing togetherCreate / join interest groups & associations, enthusiasts findclassmates ~(Just let the students community to join together ah ~ ( '▽`))5. [send] Rose & hair barrage - with presents, recording aninstant heart ~ barrageFingertips, gifts and barrage fly ~(Put your love to the Ta ~ ᕕ (ᐛ) ᕗ)[6] paper airplane - flying mood, chatting with TaMind, joy, or little secret, wrote to the mood of strangers -(Encounter peek into the Ta ~ (◍ • ᴗ • ◍) ゝ)--------contact us--------Feedback: Tencent to enter my school ape -> Settings ->FeedbackOfficial QQ group: 465 207 585Official QQ: 1619855742Have any questions or suggestions, please feedback exchange!
企鹅电竞是腾讯旗下的电竞社区平台,为玩家提供电竞一站式体验。· 在这里,有最热门的手游直播,每天都有新鲜内容看。· 在这里,你可以看到各大游戏赛事的直播,可以参加官方组织的各级比赛获得荣誉,还可以自己发起比赛,邀请朋友约战。· 我们为你提供多维度的手游乐趣 !欢迎成为企鹅电竞官方主播详情点击:http://egame.qq.comPenguin is Tencent'sgaming community gaming platform, provide players with a one-stopgaming experience.· Here, the most popular mobile games live every day to see freshcontent.· Here you can see the big game live events, can participate in theofficial competition at all levels of the organization honors, youcan also initiate their own game and invite friends Yuezhan.· We offer a multi-dimensional hand travel fun for you!Welcome to become the official gaming Penguin anchorFor more details, click: http: //egame.qq.com